How it works

How it works

1-give us a

call or email

My Fundraising Place

The easiest way to get started is to contact us! Simply send us an email or give us a quick call and we will establish your fundraising needs, help you set goals, and assign a run date for your fundraiser!

Butter Braid Pastry

2-promote your


Now is the time to spread the news that you are raising some dough! Groups can use paper orders or post their personal online store seller link to social media for customers to support them remotely!

Make sure to check out our fundraising resources for useful tips and tools!

3-reap your reward

After your fundraiser has wrapped up, we will arrive roughly two weeks later with your product and a check. All items will come pre-sorted by seller so that they can be distributed quickly. That’s all there is to it!

If you still have questions, make sure to check out our FAQs:

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